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the matter of: OWP
No. 04/2008
Titled: Masroor
Abbass Ansari and others
State of J&K and others
Order 1 Rule 8 CPC.
WHEREAS, petitioners named above have filed the aforementioned writ petition, OWP No. 04/2008, before the Hon’ble
High Court of Jammu & Kashmir at Srinagar with the relief that Hon’ble Court may be
pleased to issue an appropriate direction or order:
By a writ of certiorari quashing any
order imposing permanent or temporary ban on taking out the two united processions on 8th and 10th Muharram
every year, if any issued.
By a writ of Mandamus, respondents
be commanded to allow the petitioners to take out procession of Alam Shareef (Flag) on 8th of Muharram every year
through Budshah Chowk, Maulana
Azad Road upon Hyderia Hall Dalgate
and further respondents be commanded to allow the petitioners to set up a stage on Exchange Road
near partap Park on the 8th Muharram.
By a writ of Mandamus, respondents
be commanded to allow the petitioner to take away Zuljinah procession from Abi Guzar through Maisuma, Gawkadal, Habba Kadal,
Rajouri Kadal upto Zadibal on 10th of Muharram every year.
WHEREAS, alongside the afore quoted writ petition, petitioners named above have filed an application, being
CMP No. 10/2008 praying therein that they may be permitted to file and pursue the afore mentioned writ petition in representative
WHEREAS, the Hon’ble court vide its order dated 14.01.2008, allowed CMP No. 10/2008 and permitted the
petitioners to file writ petition in representative capacity.
Now, therefore, in compliance to the Hon’ble Court order dated 14.01.2008, notice under Order 1 Rule 8
of CPC is hereby issued through this publication, calling upon all persons interested in the subject matter of the writ petition
to appear in person or through counsel before learned Registar Judicial on 28.01.2008 and apply to the Hon’ble Court
to be made a party in the aforesaid petition.
Hence, this notice is issued for publication, under my hand and seal of the Hon’ble Court.
Abdul Qayoom
Deputy Registar (C)
High Court of J&K, Srinagar
NO: 1928 Dated: