Three Fronts of Our Struggle

As all movements for right to self determination do, we have been struggling for our rights on political, diplomatic and religio-cultural fronts. Following are brief details of each of them:

(1): Political Front: We have been projecting our ideology, our Aims and Objectives and our demands through literature, open letters, memoranda, rallies, protest demonstrations, strikes, press conferences; conferences, seminars and meetings with dignitaries. We have been forming alliances with other Kashmiri organisations. We have also been launching campaigns in favour of or against different events and practices which have positive or negative effects on our freedom struggle. On scores of occasions, big number of our members including senior office bearers and those of our youth wing has been arrested after our protest demonstrations in J&K. On many occasions those arrested had to spend upto years together in Indian and IHK jails. On these occasions the demonstrators face baton charges and tear gas from police. (Details in the following pages)

(2): Diplomatic Front: Having been formed in 1962, JKIM started its very struggle on diplomatic front also. We attended international conferences, held press conferences and met dignitaries on international level. We also briefed diplomats collectively. We corresponded with international organisations and institutions. After his release, Maulana Abbas undertook an overseas tour to present the freedom movement of Kashmir in its correct perspective and highlight the atrocities being perpetrated on Kashmiris. In United Kingdom, Iran and Saudi Arabia he apprised the leadership and the public about the struggle going on the state and the repression unleashed by the Indian security forces. Maulana also gave a comprehensive presentation of the Kashmir cause at the OIC meet in Casablanca (Morocco) and Doha (Qatar) in 1994 & November 2000 respectively.  Maulana Abbas was one of the senior Hurriyat leaders to meet the world leaders including Pakistan president, General Pervez Musharraf, Iranian President Syed Mohammad Khatami, Prime ministers of SAARC Countries, European community diplomats and foreign ambassadors in New Delhi. We apprised them about the political situation of Kashmir and invited their respective governments to mediate to resolve Kashmir issue.

(3): Religio-Cultural Front: JKIM is also active in religious and cultural fields. JKIM is bound to perform preaching and religious deeds under its wide range programme. It includes removal of communal & sectarian differences, revival of Islamic thought & philosophy and promulgation and issuance of Islamic rules. The official organ of the party “Monthly Safina” has illuminated the sleeping literary taste in the Urdu & English reading masses of the Valley. JKIM has set up committees and shadow organizations particularly “Al Abbas Relief Trust” to work in educational, cultural and social fields. Social reformation and welfare services have been stressed in the fundamental objectives of the Trust. The party is benefiting thousands of students with standard education in rural areas of Kashmir where monthly fee, uniform, books and other expenses of poor and orphan students is borne by the party.

 JKIM: First & largest Political Party of Kashmiri Shias

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